Linda Carlson - Marsielle Missions Report & The Power Of Jesus’ Stories

The Power of “Jesus Stories”

A Woman Healed and Restored – Mark 5:21-34

August 12, 2018

Linda Carlson


In the Gospels, we learn that the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, has the power over life and death, both physical and spiritual.  Telling “Jesus stories” is one of the most effective ways to communicate the Good News about Jesus cross-culturally.


Today’s Passage:   Mark 5:21-34


What is the power of Jesus in my life, and what is the story that I have to tell others?


Big Idea: Finding my “Jesus Story” starts with knowing who Jesus is and having confident faith in Him.  The woman in this story is our example.

I.               There was a woman who had suffered a chronic illness for 12 years.  As a result, according to Jewish law, she was ceremonially unclean.  The result of her condition was that she was isolated from her community.  

      Reference: Leviticus 15:25-30 II.             What motivated the woman to seek out Jesus?  She heard the reports about Jesus.  One of the first miracles Jesus performed in her town was the healing of a man with an unclean spirit.

         Reference:  Mark 1:21-27; Mark 2:1-12; Mark 3:1-6; Mark 4:35-41;    Mark 5:1-20

III.            Why was the woman healed when she touched Jesus’ garment?  Because she touched his garment in faith, she felt in her body she was healed of her disease.

         Reference:  Matthew 9:20; Luke 8:44; Mark 5:34

IV.          What was the significance of the fringe on Jesus’ garment?  It represented his identity as a Jewish man and commitment to keeping    the law.  But for the Messiah, it was a sign of his power to heal.

         Reference:  Numbers 15:37-41; Malachi 4:2

V.            What was the significance of Jesus perceiving that power had gone out of him?  He identified with her sorrow and had intimate knowledge of the transaction of healing.

         Reference:  2 Corinthians 5:17, 21

VI.          Why did Jesus ask, “Who touched me?”  Because He wanted to confirm the woman’s faith, to take away her shame, and to help her make a public confession.

     Reference: Mark 5:34

VII.         What was the role of the woman’s faith in her healing?  It was means or instrument by which she took hold of Jesus’ healing power and conveyed her confidence in Him.

     Reference:  Mark 5:34; I John 5:14-15

VIII.       Why did Jesus heal?  To demonstrate that he is merciful and compassionate; that he was the promised Messiah; and that he had power over physical and spiritual life and death.

     Reference: Matthew 9:36; 14:14; Isaiah 35:5-6; Mark 2:1-12

IX.           What is the significance of Jesus’ sending her home in peace?  It was to set her free and to assure her of her complete healing.

         Reference: John 16:33, Philippians 4:6-7; Mark 5:34

X.            What is the parallel between the woman’s healing and our spiritual healing?  When we confess our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

         Reference: I John 1:9; Mark 5:34

         Growth Group questions for August 12th

Icebreaker:  What situation are you frustrated about that may have been hanging on for a long time? Something you don’t have an answer for?

Thought Questions on the Scripture texts

1.  There was a woman who had suffered for 12 years….

Mark 5: 25-26

Is there a particular physical, spiritual, emotional or circumstantial need in your life right now that only the person and power of Jesus could help?  If so, what would that be?  Have you experienced being made whole by Jesus in an area of your life?  If so, can you describe that?

2.  Is there a Biblical story about Jesus that you can relate to personally?  If so, what is it in that story that touches you, that has changed you, that you could share with someone else? 

3.  If I only touch the fringe of his garment….

Matthew 9:21; Mark 5:28

Do you ever think thoughts in God’s direction that are really prayers?  Have you seen Him answer or respond to these?  What do they sound like?  What does that tell you about the nature of prayer?

4.  Jesus, perceiving that power had gone out from him….

Mark 5:28-30; Malachi 4:2; Matthew 14:34

When you think about Jesus, do you think about His power and authority?   How could considering His power and authority and ability to act change how you might be responding to a situation in your life?

5.  Who touched me ...

Mark 5:30-31; 2 Corinthians 5:17

What changes has God brought about in your life as a result of becoming a new creation in Christ?  What evidence of Christ’s presence and power can you share with someone?

2 Corinthians 5:21

6.  When the Bible says that Christ has been made sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, what does that mean to you in real-time in your life?

7.  What does the idea of Jesus taking your impurities, your wrong-doings, your sins on Himself mean to you?  Have you experienced the exchanged life – in the sense of being receiving new life from Christ and being set free to be a new person?

8.  Your faith has made you well…

Mark 5:34a; I John 5:14-15

Jesus affirmed the woman’s faith has having a part in her healing.

What was that part?  Why is faith important?  What role has faith had in the work of Jesus in your life?

What is the relationship of faith and healing?

9.  Go in peace, and be healed of your disease.

Mark 5:34b; Philippians 4:6-7;  John 16:33

When you are anxious and fearful, what do you do? Is the peace of God real in your life?  How would you encourage someone who is not at peace to find peace?

What do these words of Jesus mean to you, “In me you have peace. Take heart, I have overcome the world.”  Is this personal peace possible?  Do you have a story about that? 

Lord, help me to believe that you are worthy of my trust!

Memory Verse:  Mark 5:34 “Daughter, your faith has made you well: go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”